We went on one of our annual vacations this month. We first met up with Hannah's China sisters (china travel group) in Fishers, Indiana. We started off going to Conner's Prairie. It was a very hot day but the girls seemed to enjoy themselves. They visited a colonial town, where they dipped candles in hot wax and learned about life in the "old days" and an indian village, where the girls practiced their spear throwing and animal trapping.

The girls (Hannah, Aubrianna, Annaliese, Emily, and Violet)
taking a "ride" in canoe made from a tree trunk.
Emily taking a break in the flower garden
The gang spent some time just hanging out at one of the family's home. The girls all played together. It amazes us everytime we get together that the girls never have a moment of shyness or a need to get to know each other since the last time together. They just start talking and playing as if they see each other every day.
All the girls together at the Magers' home.
(Thanks so much for your hospitality)
We seem to always go to breakfast together before we all head our separate ways to go home. This year we went to Cracker Barrell. (And just to say-they have some awesome blueberry pancakes.) After some of the families left for home, we stayed with another family and went to the childrens' museum in Indianapolis. The girls seemed to really enjoy this. They seen real dinosaur skeletons and petrified dinosaur eggs. They played Barbie's fashion designer and dressed as Barbie walking down a runway with photographers. They played in a make believe ice cream parlor and rode an antique carrousel. I think the best part though was when Emily danced in front of a crowd with the Disney Radio DJ and dancers. Everyone was watching her and clapping her on. She must have danced in front of 75 people. She is definately not shy.
After returning home, Hannah had her gymnastics team try-outs, which laster for a week. She was very nervous that week and she did made the team at level 4. We now spend 8 hours a week in the gym learning her routines. Her first gymnastics meet is in September at her home gym. Then she has the opportunity to compete in a meet approximately 1 time per month. YAH!!!
At home, we had a few days left before Kevin needed to return to work so we took the girls to St Joseph Michigan, where there is a nice beach on Lake Michigan. The girls played and played in the water and in the sand that day.

Hannah running through the tide.

Emily getting another bucket of water for her sandcastle.
The next day we relaxed at home and did some doctor appointments.
Then........back to reality, as we know it.
All in all it was a wonderful time spent with family and friends.
We miss them already and can not wait until we see them again in the fall.