Seems to be excited about pre-school next year. Every morning she asks "I go to school, Mama?" Her speech seems to have taken off. She is speaking in really good sentences. It is really great to hear her personality come out. She has had some issues with bloody noses and allergy symptoms. She will be seeing a ENT July 1 to check her tonsils and adnoids. Other than that she continues to be happy and healthy. She does not know a stranger. We kid all the time that she is going to grow up to be a WalMart greater. She seems to love the outdoors but we have noticed she sweats SO much from her head. Just look at the picture below. And that was not a really really hot day!!! Just wait until it gets in the 80's.

Every parent needs a picture to use as bribery in their child's future. This is Emily's picture. Snuffy can"t wait until her wedding day!!!

Has finished up the 2nd grade and looking forward to the 3rd grade. She is under the assumption that 3rd graders have cell phones. Sorry, Hannah :-) She is going to be busy this summer with swimming and gymnastics. She tries out for the gymnastics team the end of June. We are also getting together in June with Hannah's chinese sisters in Fishers, Indiana. This is always a good time!!! And she is going to be busy with mom this summer. Yes, I said "mom"!!! I am going to be a temporary "at-home" mom for the summer. So, I am hoping for a nice cool summer!!!

The next American Idol?

Hannah's bribery picture!!!

Just chillin' near Dad's garage
Very cute! You get to stay home? That's nice, I'm home and loving it right now, but by August well...