Friday, May 7, 2010

April Update (A Little Late)

Wow-it has been awhile since our last update. April seemed to come and go and we are already into May. All we can say is "Life Happens"!!! So we are going back into April for this update.

Easter landed in April this year so we will start there. Emily and Hannah went to the annual easter egg hunt a tthe town park. Hannah returned with a half bucket of eggs/candy in her bucket. I felt so bad for Emily as she had picked up 3 eggs and 1 piece of candy. One of her eggs was plastic and 2 were real. It had started to sprinkle a little so we decided to go home before the downpour of rain hit. As we are driving away, the girls open up the plastic eggs to see what kind of candy was inside. Emily's lonely plastic egg revealed a PRIZE EGG!!!!! Now, let me just tell you. I have been to that easter egg hunt ALL my life with my family and NONE has EVER found a prize egg. Emily picks up 3 eggs and just happens to pick up the prize egg!!! So we head to the American Legion to collect her prize and they were giving out free hot dogs, potato chips, and pop to not only the kids, but to the adults as well. My (Rusti's) mom is serving the hot dogs, my nice was serving the potato chips, my sister was pouring the pop, and my brother-in-law was taking the pictures of the event. You have to love a small town!!! Here are a couple pictures from that day.

Also in April, Hannah had a musical at her school. All the songs were related to recycling and taking care of the earth. All the kids even made an instrument from recycled goods. Hannah made a drum out of a gallon vegetable can. The teacher told all the kids they had to wear their "dress" clothes. Here are pictures of Hannah modeling in her clothes. Oh my............

And I think we told you about our new addition to the family, however, here is his first picture fo you to enjoy. This is "Sam K", our guinea pig. We had another but it did not work out as he seemed to be a biter and a fighter. Good thing he came with a 7 day guarantee. He went right back to Pets Plus!!!! Sam K is a good guinea pig though..... or as good as a guinea pig can be. He does seem to poop ALOT!!! But he is so cute and when you hold him and pet him, he purrs just like a kitten. Did I mention that he poops ALOT?

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures. We have a sucker fish that poops a lot and only cleans one tiny spot of the aquarium..I think we got a lazy sucker :)
