It has been 25 days since we first saw Emily and held her in our arms. It is amazing what a little individualized attention and love can do to a child. Emily's world has been turned upside down and she seems to be adjusting to the changes very well. Uprooted from all that she had known in China-her nannies, her culture and her language all changed on in that one single moment 25 days ago. She was just 2

years and 4 months old. She was drinking formula and rice cereal from a baby bottle 6-8 times a day, unable to roll over, unable to sit from a sitting position, unable to take 3 steps without falling, was "Miss Serious Face" in China, and unable to make any viable communication to us. Today she is eating solid table food at EVERY meal, has the nickname of "cookie monster" as she ALWAYS wants a cookie, can actually jump to a standing position from sitting on the floor, is walking up and down small steps, is running EVERY where we go, and is starting to pick up the English language by repeating words. Today she put 3 words together and told our good neighbor "bye-bye, Dawn". She smiles all the time and is easy to get to laugh now-in fact, at times she will laugh so hard she has trouble standing up. She is a joy and a true blessing to us and our family and friends who know her. We are so happy she was "chosen" to join our family. 25 days ago we picked up our child who was diagnosed with a "special need"- 25 days later, we no longer see the "special need". She is one of our true miracles.

The other miracle is our 6 year old daughter, Hannah, whose world was also changed instantly 2195 days ago when we first held and cuddled her and then again 25 days ago when she went from being an only child to a big sister who needs to share not only her most precious material possesions but also her parent's love and attention. What an adjustment our family has been through. We hope the future brings one of peace and love so our children can grow to be the individuals they choose to be. I said it several times before but let me say it once again-What a wonderful world we live in. In a world where there is war and punishment, there is also a world of love and hope.