Hannah was color-dying easter eggs today. She seemed to have more on her fingers than on the eggs. She had a little of each color on her fingers and it made her fingers look a black color. Luckily it all washed off with soap and water. It would not have looked very good with her easter outfit tomorrow. She colored 2 dozen minus 3 that cracked in the making which we ate. She colored them all in a light color and them put polka dots on them in a darker color. There were some with shrinky plastic dogs and cats that shrink to the egg when put in hot water also. I had pulled out the video camera and Hannah made a "food
network video" on the proper way to color an easter egg. She was trying on some new clothes she had just got and decided to pose with one of her eggs to the camera. She is such a "ham"!!!
I can not believe this is our daughter. It may be the parent in me but I just think she is a beautiful 6 1/2 year old. At times she acts so grown up but at times she s
till wants to cuddle and snuggle up with her mom and dad-especially in the evening. She has had a few "tantrums" since Emily has been home as we "never carry her anymore" despite her weighing 56 pounds now, and we have even been told we "smile more" at Emily than we do at her, but other than this-she has been a pretty good big sister. They play together and at times sleep together. Hannah has not cleaned Emily up after a dirty diaper yet, but has helped to put the clean ones on. She says she will change a "wet one" but never seems to be around at that time. Hmmmmm. If at time you are reading this Hannah-me and Dad love you very much-and we think Emily does too!!!
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