Thursday, January 28, 2010

January Update

Just an update because I know some of you are watching and waiting for one.

Of course I had to put a sister-picture in here!!

EMILY is doing well after her tongue surgery. She has started eating meat and seems to be swallowing more of it, which is a huge improvement. Her communication seems to be getting better too. We are not sure if it is from the surgery or just more time listening to the English language. Her follow up appointment is Feb 8 and we are expecting a good report. She has fallen in love with Barney (the purple donosaur) and sings the song "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you-won't you say you love me to?" The problem is she can not seem to remember it all so we all end up singing it ALL day!!! After 9 months, she is really attaching herself to us. I know I said that about 4 months ago but it seems even more now. She seems happy and content in her home and those around her. At night she continues to say "My Mommy, my Daddy, my Hannah". And when we put her to bed we go through ALL our family and friends and give each one of them a blessing-then Emily will lay in bed and quietly repeat "....and God bless Mommy, and Daddy, and Hannah, and Mike, and Marie, and Dawn, and "Misser" Denny, etc........." Oh.....and the really good news-Emily is potty trained!!! It took 1 day!!! She is wearing "big girl" undies day and night without accident-even when we are out on the town!!! Here is a picture of her washing her hands after using the potty.

Hannah seems to have an unendless love for Emily as only a sister can have. There are good days and there are bad days, but at the end of the bad days, there are lots of hugs and kisses. They seem to be becoming good friends as well. They are playing more together without us to "referee". One of our dear friends are waiting to hear about a possible adoption of a child from China, which Hannah is all excited about. Now she thinks we should adopt a big sister for her. (Thanks-"dear friends") For those of you waiting for our announcement on this-we will not let you wait long, as this is not going to happen. We are very happy as a family of 4. That and I just received my 25th school reunion notice that said "please bring your grandkids". Wait until they see my 3 and 7 yr olds!!! Sorry-I digress-back to Hannah!!!!

She is flourishing in gymnastics. She almost has her back-handspring by herself and has been perfecting jump roping and doing cartwheels on the balance beam. She will try out for the team in July. We just found out that there are several on the team who are qualifying for Nationals in order to try out for the Olympics-So, this is her goal now. She has also recently entered the life of Harry Potter. (Oh boy!!!) And she has even made a wand out of restaurant straws to do her "spells". Too bad she has not figured out how to get the laundry folded with that wand!!! Hannah came down with the chicken pox this past week (and yes, she had the vaccine). She had to miss her cousins birthday party as some of the invited friends have not had them. So I kept her home with me. Now, I do not know what you do in this situation, but decided to have a blanket toga party. Of course I was on the OTHER side of the camera, but you can tell from the picture that we enjoyed some dancing in our toga outfits.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Emily's Surgery Update

The surgery is done!!! At 7:00am on January 7, we gave Emily the controversial Versed Syrup. After giving it to her and driving approximately 2 miles I noticed it had hit Emily. She was very quiet and was drooling. She was answering questions very very slowly-but was not "out". At one point she had her hand in front of her hand and was studying it as if she had never seen it before or could not figure out what it was. Once at the surgeon's office she wanted to walk but she just could not figure out how to put one foot in front of the other and would fall into our arms. After trying several times to walk unsuccessfully, she laid on the floor with a smile on her face saying "I uv ew daddy", "I uv ew, mommy". At around 8:10am, we handed Emily to the nurse for her surgery.

At around 8:30am, we were told the surgery was done and Emily was in the recovery waking up. She looked so little on the recovery bed with a wool blanket covering her. They ended up giving her an injection to "put her out", but it really did not take her long to wake up. Once she was awake, we took her to get a scoop of vanilla ice cream. She got to eat ice cream and popsicles throughout the day. She refused to stick her tongue out or move it from side to side for the first couple days, despite the surgeon telling us she HAS to do it so the scar tissue does not "close" it back up. Really, how do you make a toddler stick out her tongue when she has never been able to do so?!?! It is getting better now. She still doesn't stick her tongue out or lick her lips, although she is trying to. It is like she has not figured out which muscles it takes to do this.

I have seen a difference in the way she eats though. She is really opening her mouth for her bites of food and is actually starting to chew her food and move the food slightly in her mouth with her tongue in order to chew it up. Since the surgery, she has not had to have us "clean out" the excess food in her mouth. I seem to hear more "T"s and "L"s in her speech. She is still drooling ALOT. There is still "burned" tissue in her mouth as the new tissue grows to replace it. Her follow-up is set in 1 month.

Christmas 2009---New Year 2010

As we celebrated Christmas and as we begin a new year, we do not forget what we are thankful for.
  • For starters we have a wonderful and healthy family-starting with our new addition to the family this year, Emily, who always has a smile-even through her tears. She has a smile and a hello for everyone she meets.

  • Hannah has grown in so many ways and is becoming a beautiful lil' lady inside and out. She has discovered the world of Harry Potter and The Wizards of Waverly Place this year and is convinced we are keeping the secret from her that she is a real wizard.

  • We have 2 wonderful "travel groups" who we do not see enough, but are greatful for. They are truley our our girls' "China families". Adoption is a stressful and frustrating experience that that brings total fulfillment in your life and it is a true blessing that we were able to share this with so many wonderful families.

  • In these difficult times, we are been blessed to still have our work as many in our area have been laid off this holiday season. Kevin has transfered from GM to Nissan , and I continue to help help run the Alzheimer's unit and direct the social work department at St Joseph's.

  • Kevin's brother had an emergency by-pass heart surgery November 22. The doctors say they never seen anyone survive following an 8cm aneurism-his was 10!!! Despite these extraordinary odds has returned back to work at the fire station!!!

  • We just found out our niece is going to bless the family with a baby around August 19, 2010. The last word on the name is "Molly". (Now watch her have a boy.) Good thing she did not break the news before her dad had the heart surgery, huh?

  • Kevin and I have been also been blessed with 3 great nephews on my side of the family this past year--Lucas, Heiden, and Calen. All these boys and all we have are baby girl clothing!!! Good thing most toys are universal.

  • And I could not leave out our neighbors, who are the best friends we could have (other than you!!!). From reading the Sunday paper together in the summer to our neighborhood garage sale to Notre Dame garage parties (yeah, for the new coach-sorry Shannon & Eric!!!) to ice cream sundae parties, we could not ask for a better bunch of neighbors who have been a good support for us and the girls. And to think I did not want to live in a sub-division!!!

Life is good and God is gracious. Enjoy some pictures taken since our last post

Emily loves to talk about Santa and even told Santa "I uv ew", but when it came her time to sit on his lap..........NO WAY!!! Maybe next year!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Emily's Surgery

Emily was to have her tongue surgery on December 21st, 2009, however, we ran into some complications. According to the doctor she is still too little to "put under" for this surgery so he came up with a plan to use Versed Syrup along with Nitrous Oxide. This sounded like a good plan until we called EVERY pharmacy in a 50 mile radius on and they reported that they do not carry the Versed Syrup. So we had to cancel the surgery.

We did find out that Versed Syrup is a controlled substance and pharmacies are not allowed to keep it on their shelves. The doctor refused to give the medication in the office as this would make her surgery an inpatient surgery and she would have to stay in the hospital over night-which is not necessary. We did manage to talk Target Pharmacy into a special order for the Versed Syrup as long as we would agree to pick the medication up right away after they recieved it so they would not have to show it was on their shelves. So long story made short.....we have the Versed Syrup in our possession and have made another surgery date on January 7, 2010.

Originally we wanted to get this surgery done by the end of the year as we had our insurance deductibles paid in, however, insurance has decided they are not going to pay for this surgery as they say it is not medically necessay. Let's see; Emily has stopped gaining weight (at 26 lbs for a 3 yr old), she cannot chew foods such as meats and vegetables because she can not maneuver them in her mouth to chew them properly, and she continues to have difficulties with her speech. We have done alot of "arguing" with the insurance company, however, they continue to say it is not medically necessary.

So on January 7, we will have Emily drink her Versed Syrup, write a check for the surgery, be thankful for what we have been given in our lives, and proceed into the new year.

This is a good picture of what Emily will have done.
The doctor will use a laser to "cut" under her tongue so she is not longer "tongue-tied". This will allow her tongue to separate from the lower soft pallet. Then he will "scoop" out the bottom soft pallet under her tongue. All this with no stitiches-amazing!!!