Thursday, July 23, 2009
Saturday, July 18, we went to Forrest Park in Noblesville, Indiana. Our adoption agency, FTIA, held their annual picnic for adoptive families. At this picnic Emily's travel group met for the first time since traveling and returning from China. It was nice to see the families again and it was amazing to see the children again as they all have changed in so many ways. Even Hannah had fun playing with the kids in Emily's group-especially Hannah G, who Hannah is telling everyone is her new best friend!!! We are very fortunate to have 2 very special travel groups that I think, or at least hope, will be part of our lives forever. It is hard to describe the feelings you get from having a close travel group. In adoption there is always some type of heartache, whether it be from the incredible hoops we cross to get there, the long wait we have to make a child a part of our family, and/or the story each child brings home with them. It is a bond we develop as we support each other through a very emotional period of our lives as well as the celebrations we share as a family. It is a thread, of sorts, that is woven through us that keeps us connected. 

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Our Weekend
We went to the 4-H County Fair for a couple hours this past weekend. Hannah had sign up and completed a Pom-Pom Mouse project and we rode a few rides while we were there. Emily absolutely loved the car ride. I say that ride in particular because for for some reason this was the only ride she could ride on for her height. It is just a reminder of just how small she is at 2 1/2. I wish I had remembered my camera as it would have made a cute picture of Hannah teaching Emily to steer her car with the steering wheel, even though it automatically only went around and around in a circle. Hannah seemed to be in the middle as she was too big for the kiddie rides but still afraid to ride the bigger rides-which was really fine with me. After the fair we went to our favorite pizza place (Starlight Pizza). Other than this I am sad that Hannah will be starting school on Aug 12 as I have gotten used to the extra hour of sleep in the morning!!! And it seems like we will be spending a paycheck on school clothes and shoes as she has outgrown everything this summer. Here are a few pictures from our week.
We found a hat that we bought for Hannah when she was around 3 years old. I thought it would be nice for Emily to wear while playing in the sandbox in the sun, but it turns out she will only keep it on for a matter of seconds. Just like her sister. And they look so adorable in hats too.
Spaghetti Night!!! Remember the Disney movie of the dogs that would eat the piece of spaghetti and when they got to the middle they would end up kissing? That's our kids!!! And don't tell them-but it got them to eat a few more bites after they said they were done.
Sister Squeeze!!! They may have their moments of sibling rivalry and jealousy but at the end of the day-sisters seem to always prevail.
This weekend we are getting together with some of Emily's adoption group. Watch for pictures next week-these are amazing kids!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
100 Days!!!
Can you believe we have had our daughter Emily for 100 days? 100 days since she was placed in our arms for the first time. WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE!!!

And since we are counting-it has been 2270 days since Hannah was placed in my arms. LIFE IS GOOD!!!
We recently got together with Hannah's travel group and went camping. Hannah calls them her China sisters. We have been very fortunate to have 2 great travel groups and hope to stay close with both groups. Hannah's group has been getting together 2 times a year. The girls seem to see each other and just take off playing as if they get together every day. So here is a picture of Hannah's China sisters; Abrianna, Kacie, Lilly, Mary Catherine, and Violet with siblings Annalise, Kassidy and Emily.
*Hannah tried out and made her gymnastics team (Yeah, Hannah-Great job!!!) So now she has practice on Monday and Wednesdays. And thanks to Violet (Hannah's China sister), Hannah has been working on the very quiet hand game called "Cat's Cradle". She has just figured out how to do the "Cat's Whiskers". We love ya, Violet-This one is for you!!!
*EMILY has taken off with her talking. Too bad we can not understand most of it!!! She really is speaking in complete sentences-either Chinese or jibberish-we are not sure. We continue to wait to see if she can have her tougue surgery in December. The only way we can get it earlier at this point is if she has trouble eating/swallowing, stops gaining weight, or loses weight. And she seems to have gained yet another pound (according to our scale). At 2 1/2 years old she has grown out of the size 3 month pants and is now wearing size 6 months for her pants!!!
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